ASHAY Dance Troupe

ASHAY Dance Troupe

I know I’ve not really been here for a while now however I have been so busy with life and dance, and dance, and life… So I thought I’d share a little bit of my world with all of you.

I am part of the ASHAY Dance Troupe. ASHAY dance troupe is a semi-professional troupe lead by Nisha Lall, creator of Aim To Dance. AIM TO DANCE is a Sheffield based dance company that travels around the UK. Nisha Lall, the lead instructor and choreographer, is a qualified and enthusiastic dance teacher, with 10 years’ teaching experience. AIM TO DANCE provides a variety of services which can be catered to suit any audience and any type of events.

Also, I have some videos on youtube that I’d love to share with all of you…. Enjoy!

Bellydance (Drum Solo):
Bellydance Street Fusion:
Bellydance Tribal/Street Fusion:

…And that is just bellydance! Soon Bollywood, Contemporary Dance, Flamenco and much more! Keep an eye on this space!

Learning to be a dancer

Learning to be a dancer

5 things I have learned from dance:

1. Repetition is the key to perfection. Try again and again and again and again until you get it. It’s like studying for an exam – you’re not going to get an A unless you study.

2. Do not compare yourself to others. I hate when people do this but I also know that it is hard not to. I try to compare myself with what I looked like a week ago, or a month ago… Don’t punish yourself by being negative – positive encouragement will bring excellent outcomes!

3. Surround yourself by other dancers, this will help you expand not only your style of dance but the way in which you see dance. There are so many creative people out there with beautiful minds full of astonishing ideas. Help each other, support each other, grow together. This will help you to find your own style. The journey to becoming a dancer is not always a solo one!

4. Try new styles. I cannot emphasise enough how important this is. Even though you don’t want to master other styles, having different moves and being able to be versatile will make you stand out. Choreographies will be more exciting and you will become more unique.

5. Never give up. I believe that if you really want something and you put all of your will power into it you will get it. If dance is more than a hobbie, if you’re constantly thinking about dance, if every time you’re listening to music you’re choreographing in your head, if you can’t help having a little boogie when music comes on… If you feel, breathe and live dance, then you are a dancer. Never give up on your dream. If you feel like your family doesn’t support you, there are loads of us here that will; because we all share the same dream… and we will make it happen!

Follow your dreams. I used to be so intimidated by other well trained dancers because I didn’t know every move, every name of every famous dancer, of every rhythm, every style, my moves weren’t as clear, or elegant, or I was missing the beat or I simply couldn’t do the same moves. However, I have come to realize that every person learns in a different way. You don’t have to be a walking encyclopedia of dance from day one. Learn it as you go, be patient, be consistent… And dance, dance away!

“Be the change you want to see in the world”

Today I was having a general look at different blogs and came across this quote. For some reason I found it quite touching! It got me thinking… sometimes we can be so self absorbed that we can forget about our morals, our beliefs, those ideals that our parents taught us when we were younger.

Be kind, don’t do to others what you wouldn’t like them to do to you, be generous, empathise, don’t forget your manners, be warm and welcoming, don’t judge a book by its cover… and so on. However sometimes I find myself judging a book by its cover, being selfish or even failing to empathise with other people. I guess it is fair to say that one cannot have perfect behaviour at all times.

So my message to you all today is “be the change you want to see in the world”. I believe that people can be caring, help each other without expecting anything back. Empathise! Be kind , for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Let’s all try to make the world a better place, after all all we have is each other.

I think you will find that when you’re having a positive attitude and helping the world, the world will smile back at you. Share the love!

Body Awareness

Body Awareness

Pineapple diet, Montignac diet, Dukan diet, Cabbage diet, Biomanan diet… Name it, I’ve heard about all of these before. As women, we’re always (or mostly always) either dieting or watching what we eat. I think I can count in one hand the amount of females that I know that aren’t quite aware of their bodies.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I like to take care of myself. I eat mostly healthy, exercise and every now and then indulge myself with a treat. It always shocks me when I look around and all I see is women counting calories, going on absurd diets that deprives them of necessary nutrients, becoming so obsessed with these diets that that is all they talk or think about. Now breathe. Calm down. Think. The problem with this state of mind is that it is far from healthy. All of these wonder diets are nothing but yoyo diets.

My main concern is that it stops women from living, from enjoying their bodies and from being free. Find a balance. Ask any doctor and they’ll tell you that you need to eat everything in a healthy diet: meat, fish, carbs (yes!), dairy, vegetables, nuts… It is possible to eat a bit of everything and still be able to enjoy a nice, healthy body.

My advice to you today is have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Start the day with a badass brekkie that’s going to give you the energy to kickstart the day with positive vibes. It is when you start skipping meals that it all goes down hill.

Believe me, there is hope. It is believed that once you’ve tried something for 2 weeks it becomes part of your routine and your body gets used to it. So do this, have 5 meals a day: boss brekkie, fruit snack, powerful lunch, fruit snack and a light dinner. Exercise a minimum of 2 times a week, give it an hour – dance, walk, run,jog,sprint, go biking… and let me know how it goes. Break those chains that are stopping you from enjoying your body, your femininity. After all, you will only look good on the outside if you are feeling good on the inside. Love yourself, you are beautiful. You are more than just an image, there is more to life than just your body.

Eat healthily, exercise and be happy. Believe it or not it is as simple as that. Respect yourself, respect your body and listen to its needs. Embrace and love your body, it is the most amazing thing you will ever own.

Being Unique

Being Unique

I have always liked being different, standing out, being recognised. This is why, as a dancer, I think it is crucial that your dancing is unique. It hit me a while ago when I was talking to my dance teacher about Sadie Marquardt and how much I would love to drill the art of the drum solo and be recognised for it. I remember she advised me not to limit myself, after all there are loads of dancers out there that are striving to be like her.

So this got me thinking. Do I want to be a copy of someone else’s creativity? Is my dancing really only going to progress as far as being able to replicate someone else’s talent? I think it is good to have people in your life that inspire you to grow, to develop and enable you to find your own style. Nonetheless, that inspiration should only be a little push towards the journey that is finding your own style.

This doesn’t only apply to bellydancing, or dancing in general. I think as a person I like the idea of being unique. Creating my own persona and not being scared of showing my personality through my body language, my interaction with others and of course, my dancing.

So my message to you today is, don’t be scared of being unique. Do not conform with being “normal”. Grow! Be creative! Find a style of your own and let the world know that you are here and you are not afraid of excelling! …and if you can, one day, you will be someone’s inspiration .

“My darling girl, when are you going to understand that ‘normal’ isn’t a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage” (Practical Magic)

My favourite things

My favourite things

Rain drops on roses, whiskers on kittens… I love “The Sound of Music”. With this I mean I must have watched this film about a thousand times and I can sing along to the songs in both English and Spanish. I was watching this musical the other day and it got me thinking… What makes me happy on a bad day? What brings a smile to my face? So here they are, my top 10:

10. The sea. As I have mentioned before, I am from Valencia, which is on the coast of Spain. I have grown up with going to the beach, walks around the beach… having a coast. So whenever I go back home and I first go the the beach I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. The sound of the waves, the soft warmth of the sun, a light breeze… Always makes me feel inner peace.

9. Food. Yes, I can’t denny it. I am a foodie. I come from a culture where we love to eat. We love different flavours. So anything tasty will do! From starters, through to mains and ending in desserts I love food. Favourite meal of the day? Breakfast – makes all of the difference to my day whether I have a nice brekkie or not!

8. Singing. In the shower, in the kitchen, in my bedroom, in karaoke. Blasting out loud and probably in front of a mirror. Putting my favourite CD on and letting my inner Diva do the rest. Poses in front of the mirror, cheesy moves… and a grin on my face. Works every time.

7. Cooking. My mother is quite a chef, so I have grown up in a house where cooking is a major part of our family routine. When my mum goes to the kitchen to make a food I will always go with her and sit on the kitchen table to watch her cook and have a chat. I have been doing this since I was a kid, so I have learned loads simply by watching. I love experimenting with food and new flavours (although it doesn’t always turn out to be quite as nice as I’d want it to!).

6. Laughter! I think I am quite a smiley person – it doesn’t take much to make me smile! Smiling, being positive. Having a laugh with your friends. Watching your favourite comedy. Crying out of laughter! Laughing so much you can hardly breathe. I recommend it at least once a day!

5. Love. Who doesn’t love love? That feeling of being appreciated and loved by my friends, my boyfriend… Those moments when you really feel comfortable and completely at ease with the world because you can feel safe with those around you. I love feeling loved and loving. There is no better feeling than love.

4. Kittens! Loads of them! I am a big big fan of these fluffy felines. In fact, I am a fan of every feline! I love animals, but these lovely creatures just put a smile on my face. Videos, pictures, even my own cat- they’re the best treatment after a bad day!

3. Dancing.This is at the top of my list. Putting some music on and just letting my body move to it and enjoy every beat. Whether I’m cleaning, gardening, cooking or even walking down the street! My life wouldn’t be the same without dance. It always makes me feel better after a stressful day.

2. My sisters. My blood sister María and my best-friend-but-sister Mef. Now these two can drive me crazy, however, I always have the best time with them. We’re absurd, we’re silly, we’re completely mental when we’re together. I’ve cried with laughter with them. I have so many memories with these two that still today make me chuckle when I remember them… The two Marías are the definition of happiness. They are my sun on a rainy day.

1. Being with my family. This is at the very top of my list. Going back home and feeling that unconditional,selfless love from everyone of my family. They’re my rock, they keep me going. Even when we fight, I always know I can count on them. We have gone through extremely tough times and yet we’ve come out stronger and more united. I would be nothing without my family. So reuniting with them whenever I go back home is the thing that puts the biggest smile in my face.

… so these are a few of my favourite things. What are your favourite things?



When I was a kid and I first thought about what my child mind thought was a “career” I decided I wanted to be a witch. Yes, that is right. I spend a couple of years convinced that my future resided in witchcraft (the good kind). Later on, I decided that I didn’t want to be a witch but I’d rather have a cake shop and make cakes (this would have been a disaster as I can hardly bake).

After that, when I became a little older I discovered Lara Croft and changed my mind radically, convincing myself that my future was in the pyramids, in Egypt! I wanted to be an archeologist and go on fun adventures all around the world. And I won’t even mention that when I saw the film “Mulan” I decided I wanted to be Chinese…

Throughout my life I have had many crazy ideas as to what I could dedicate my life to. As crazy as these ideas were, I was always very consistent in being artistic. I loved to go on stage during regional festivities and dance in front of a crowd (I was Michael Jackson in Thriller!). I used to play piano and drums. I was the singer of an alternative band for over two years and again, I loved the stage. I’ve always loved people watching me perform. There is no such thing as self-conciousness in me.

I studied Law at University (this was decided by my father as when I started watching Ally McBeal I decided I wanted to be a lawyer – bad idea). I had an epiphany nearly 2 years ago now. I have been dancing all my life, however I went to a Flamenco show and half way through it it was like the world stopped and I felt something inside of me. “I want to be a dancer”. I had never realised that during my many crazy career decisions, somewhere in between wanting to be a witch and now I had always danced. I had always been creative and attracted to dance. I’ve been to loads of musicals and ballet shows. I had danced in loads of shows.

So I told my mother and she now calls me “Billy Elliot”, hoping that one day I’ll recover my sanity and realise that I do want to be a lawyer like my dad wanted. I’m sorry mother..

Follow your dreams. Follow your heart. It is SO difficult to find your place in life. This has been troubling me for years, stuck studying a degree that I did not enjoy at all. Now I’ve found my path and I’m 100% dedicated. My brothers are musicians and everyone used to tell them that being into arts is a waste of time. Well, they are now signed to Universal Records and are enjoying a life of music, of doing what they trully want.

Dedication. That is the key. How about you, what are your dreams?



As a foreigner in the UK, I’ve heard all sorts of stereotypes of Spanish people. After 5 years I think I’ve heard most of it now.

I think about 99% of people that I meet do not believe at first that I am Spanish. Are your parents Spanish or English? Did you grow up in Spain? But why are your eyes green? Why isn’t your skin darker? Why are you so tall? I don’t know why there is this general idea that Spaniards are short, dark skinned, dark eyed and dark haired. We’re not. I’m 100% Spanish I promise!!

Bullfighting. I’m against it and most people that I know dislike it too. Only 25% of Spanish population agrees with bullfighting, it has been banned in many communities. So, not really our cup of tea.

Flamenco. Not everyone dances flamenco, not everyone enjoys flamenco. Flamenco is from the south of Spain and those who dance it are 100% dedicated to it as it is such an intricate dance style. Quite a challenge to dance flamenco!

Paella. Don’t even get me started here. I am from Valencia which is where paella originates from. As a Spaniard I am horrified to see the following in paella: chorizo, peas, mushrooms, peppers… If you go to Spain, go to a local place where there is no tourists and ask for a real paella. You’re in for a treat! Seafood & meat will never be mixed unless you go to a tiuristic place. Go for the real deal! Tapas is another long subject…

Sangria. Way more popular in between turists rather than Spaniards. I barely ever drink Sangria.

Sombreros. Really? Reaaaaaaally? That’s Mexican, from Mexico in  America. Not Spanish, from Spain in Europe. Different continent. Geography people!

And so on… My point is, avoid stereotypes. When I first came to the UK I believed that everything was near London, that everyone got together at 5pm to drink some tea and have some cake and that people were cold. So not true! I have met nothing but lovely people, I am fully aware of how everything is not near London and I have never had tea and cake at 5pm.

Embrace foreign cultures. Learn from their people, avoid touristic regions and go and experience the real deal. There are so many increbile and fascinating cultures out there for you to discover! Don’t be scared and don’t listen to others, give yourself a chance to experience and live new adventures. Learn!

As Jawaharlal Nehru said : Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit

Growing Up

Growing Up

So I was having a catch up today with one of my dear friends and we were chatting about past,present and future. Now I have known this friend for about 5 years ( 4 years of University plus 1 year of being an “adult”).

It got me thinking how much I have changed in the past few years, even worse, it then got me thinking how much I’ve changed during my lifetime! Ever since I was a kid I’ve always been adventurous, strong minded, confident, always up for a giggle and to try new things. However, with age I’ve become more aware of all of the dangers out there. I mean, I am only 23 but I’ve realised I now think twice before jumping into a decision, I’ve become a little skeptical and more cautious, more self-aware. Considering pros and cons. Taking twice as long to decide, instantly worrying about what can go wrong and the consequences of something going wrong.

I guess that that is part of becoming an adult. Call it becoming more responsible, or more centered, less reckless… Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel like I miss that innocence, that spark of naïvity, that blind belief and fearless courage that characterised me as a kid.

So my message to you today is try and do something silly every now and then. Enter an adventure. Don’t think twice. Laugh out loud, run as fast as you can, believe in whatever you want and enjoy life at its fullest. Let’s recover a bit of that innoncence. Fairies, magic, strange but marvellous worlds.. They’re all out there. Just use your imagination. Bring out your inner kid – it’s still in there… and it wants to come out and play 🙂



Life is hard. Life is busy. Recently I’ve found myself extremely busy working or dancing all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love to be busy and have things to do, however, I also love my “me” time. I adore a good old lazy Sunday in my pyjamas, waking up late, reading some magazines, maybe painting my nails, cooking.. So two weeks ago I realised I hadn’t had a day to myself in months! I decided to give myself a whole Sunday to relax, sleep and have a little pampering session… and it was the best day ever.

So, my message to you all today is don’t forget about your needs. Don’t prioritise other things before you. It’s good to have some solo time and treat yourself. Go to a spa, or the hairdressers, have a bath, cook yourself a nice meal, go have a hair treatment, work on your garden, read a book, have a siesta after lunch… It’s the little pleasures in life that we need to appreciate… and they’re all there in front of you!